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UNCCD COP15 - Great Green Wall Day

Hosts: UNCCD, Global Mechanism

Great Green Wall Day, Rio Conventions Pavilion, COP15, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, May 2022

 [ Recorded webcast ]

In the drylands of Africa, land degradation threatens to the livelihoods of millions of people. Fortunately, there are promising initiatives emerging all over the continent that are turning the tide. The Great Green Wall is an African-led movement with an ambition to grow an 8,000 km natural wonder of the world across the entire width of the continent. By 2030, the Great Green Wall aims to restore 100 million hectares of currently degraded land, sequester 250 million tonnes of carbon and create 10 million jobs in rural areas. Vast tracts of land along the Great Green Wall have already been restored by local communities.

Long considered only as a tree-planting program, the Great Green Wall Initiative is now perceived as a comprehensive integrated ecosystem management and rural development programme to combat land degradation and desertification, climate change, biodiversity loss, and poverty and food insecurity. A “Great Green Wall accelerator” was launched during the One Planet Summit in January 2021, to boost the implementation of the initiative in the 11 countries by supporting the emergence of multi-stakeholders’ initiatives designed in countries, and to better valorize the local actions already carried out in the field in support of the objectives of the Great Green Wall.


[In English / en Français: PDF-3.21 Mb]


How to overcome barriers to make Great Green Wall a success in 2030?

/sponsor: Danaya

: Patrice Burger
Speakers: Dr Sakhoudia Thiam (APGMV) - Rock Pananditigri (Coordination GMV Burkina Faso) - Omer Ouedraogo (SPONG Burkina Faso) - Mme Birgui Lamizana (UNCCD) - Jean Marc Sinnassamy (FEM) - Ange Mboneye (SOS Sahel) - Manon Albagnac (Cari et WEOG)

During the Africa-France Summit (organized in France in October 2021), the consultations led by CARI and CSFD emphasized the importance of supporting the emergence of multi-stakeholders’ initiatives designed in the territories, and to better valorize the local actions already carried out in the field for the benefit of the objectives of the GGW. This side-event will take the form of a dialogue between practitioners and experts that will focus on the objectives and expected results by 2030 in the framework of the GGW; How a diversity of initiatives led by civil society contribute to achieve the objectives of the GGW; and how to better integrate all these initiatives (past, current and future) under the umbrella of the GGW national program / GGW national coalitions. Following these presentations, a round table will allow to identify and remove the barriers that slow down a broad and convergent mobilization of all actors around the GGW objectives. The debate will focus on the urgent policy and donor actions for a successful GGW by 2030.

10:45 to 12:45

Monitoring Tree Cover and Enhancing Decision Making Tools Across Africa’s Great Green Wall

Organizers/Sponsors: OSS, WRI, BothEnds, CILSS
Opening: Nabil Ben Khatra, Secretary Excecutif (OSS) - Dr Paul Ouedraego, Secretary Excecutif Adjoint (CILSS)
Moderator: Salima Mahamoudou (WRI)
Speakers: John Brandt (WRI) - Col Amina (Both Ends) - Evence Louis Zougrana (OSS) - Tatenda Lemann (WOCAT/University of Bern) - Col. Major Yacouba Seybou (Minister of Environment, Niger) - Serge Zoubga (Tiipaalga) - Abakar Mahamat ZOUGOULOU (PAGGW)

This side event seeks to showcase how monitoring tree cover can enhance decision making tools and accelerate restoration across Great Green Wall and Africa in general. Partners will present the dataset on the vision from the ground and from above (Trees in Mosaic Landscape), and the DSS role in regional vision. These presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on how innovative data on the impact and extend of landscape restoration can accelerate regreening progress across Africa, and what gaps still exist. The panel will also explore how countries can build cohesive and systematic monitoring systems and decision-making tools to track the impact of FLR.



Inter-regional engagement to inform unified policy making in sustainable land management and restoration / Great Green Wall Initiative in the dry lands

Organiser/sponsor: African Union Commission

Moderator: Elvis Paul Tangem (Union africaine) - Fatou Mar (OSS)
Speakers: Timoteus Mufeti (Environnemental Commissioner/ Namibie) - Zougoulou Abakar Mahamat (APGMV) - Sibongile Mevimbela (SADC Secrétariat) - Fortas Bouakline (UNCCD and Programme Barrage Vert-Algérie) - Kantaya Mayondo (Sénior Environment Officer-Zambie) - UNCCD Representative - Payang David (Point Focal GMV Cameroun) - Chefs (2) traditionnels (Zambie) - Nabil Benkhatra(SE-OSS)

This side-event seeks to provide a contribution to the UNCCD land degradation neutrality agenda and the 10-year implementation plan by bringing together Experts and High Level officials from the dry lands and international development partners to share views on the upscaling and extension of the GGW initiative in the Southern Africa region. More specifically, (1) the officials from the Southern Africa will share their experiences and make official announcement on the future of the GGWI in the region, (2) official pronouncements on the way forward on Pan African collaboration in implementation of the initiative, (3) in share views and policy perspectives on combating desertification, (Sahel and Southern Africa), (4) advocacy and resource mobilisation at Pan African level. The event will enhance the much sort after synergies in implementation, common understanding of the issues around land restoration and the GGWI, coordination and sharing of ideas in the long run, easing the field activities and accomplishment of the UNCCD’s vision. Launch of the GLO SADC thematic report – propose Johns Kharika as speaker – print 100 copies?.


Recovery. Rebuilding. Resilience. The race to ensure sustainable African agriculture. Featuring a conversation with Idris and Sabrina Elba, Makhtar Diop, Gilbert Houngbo and other experts

Organiser/sponsor: IFAD, IFC, Government of Côte d'Ivoire
Moderator: Amath Pathe Sene, Environment and Climate for West and Central Africa (IFAD)
Speakers: Idris and Sabrina Elba, IFAD Goodwill Ambassadors (video) - Mahktar Diop, Managing Director (IFC) (video) - Gilbert Houngbo, President (IFAD)(video)  - Jean Luc Assy, Minister of Environment - Mamane, Mohamed Mustapha, Comedian and Influencer - Alain-Richard Donwahi,  President of COP15 - Alessandro Marini, Country director Côte d’Ivoire (IFAD)

As  climate change impacts African farmers and the war in Ukraine pushes food, fuel and fertilizer prices toward record levels putting food security in many of the world’s poorest countries at risk, the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Finance Corporation will host a special conversation and panel around how organisations and other actors can shine a spotlight on small-scale farmers in high-risk countries who are struggling to produce food to feed their families and communities while reducing the threat to future harvests and to find out what are the solutions that need to be scaled up at COP27 in Egypt.
Following an IFC hosted conversation via video from actor and humanitarian Idris and model and activist Sabrina Elba, IFC Managing Director Mahktar Diop and IFAD President Gilbert Houngbo from the Sustainability Exchange, a panel of government, private sector and other entertainment stakeholders will identify solutions and pathways forward in the coming months around the special climate challenges that African smallholder farmers are facing.

16:00 - 17:30

Great Green Wall: for an Inclusive and climate change resilient development in Sahel through low carbon transition and agroforestry

: Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI); Alliance Sahel, UNCCD

: Birguy Lamizana (UNCCD)
Opening: Ibrahim THIAW, Executive Secretary (UNCCD) - Adrien HAYE, Coordinator (Alliance Sahel)
: Olola VIEYRA, Country Representative (Global Green Growth Institute) - Patrice SAVADOGO, Forestry Officer (FAO) - Mohamed Sankoumba FADIGA, Subregional Resilience Specialist (FAO) - Adamou Ounteni ISSAKA, Sr. Regional Policy and Programme Advisor (WFP) - Juliane WIESENHÜTTER, Deputy Head of Delegation (Germany) - Dr Ousmane NDOYE, Head of Programs (CORAF) - Marc Daubrey, CEO (Green Invest Africa)

Jointly organized by the Sahel Alliance, the UNCCD and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the side-event will highlight the synergies between the efforts of Sahel Alliance members, the GGGI through their low-carbon and sustainable transition strategy, as well as the Great Green Wall Initiative and its Accelerator. Panelists, including practitioners from the African Development Bank, GGGI, CORAF, FAO, WFP and GIZ, will put into perspective their efforts in terms of land restoration, rural development, community resilience and job creation, with the aim of enhancing the impact of concrete climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in one of the world’s regions most affected by global warming and desertification: the Sahel.


Development and insecurity in the Sahel: from local collectivities and communities’ challenges and priorities to international solidarity
Organisers/sponsors:  La route du sel et de l'espoir, AU-SAFGRAD, UEMOA, AFDB

In the Sahel, while conflicts linked to terrorist groups are the subject of a military response by the countries concerned, the situation of insecurity has led to, or highlighted, other forms of conflict that are just as serious for the future of societies: conflicts linked to the scarcity of natural resources due in particular to climate change, or inter-community conflicts, particularly inter-ethnic or inter-religious conflicts, which have led to tragedies, particularly in Mali and Burkina Faso, exacerbating the situation of insecurity and social cohesion in these countries even more. This environmental and socio-economic context, in countries that are more than 70% dependent on natural resources (land, water, vegetation and biodiversity), and where youth represent more than 50% of the population, is clearly a fertile ground for the proliferation of extremist groups.

  • Welcome: Mamadou Koutou, Senior programme and Research Officer (AU-SAFGRAD)
  • Introduction: Youssef Brahimi, Chair (La Route du Sel et de l’Espoir)
  • C3 Sahel experiences and perspectives in relation to desertification and drought,
    Speaker: Aziz Diallo, President (C3 Sahel)
  • Personal experiences and analyses from local elected representatives
    Speakers: The Mayor of Tera (Niger) - The President of Timbuktu Regional Council (Mali) - Aziz Diallo, Dori (Burkina Faso)
  • Synthesis and introduction to South-South cooperation (North Africa - Sub-Saharan Africa - Sahelian countries - coastal countries) and North-South cooperation
    Speaker: Youssef Brahimi, Chair (La Route du Sel et de l’Espoir)
  • Q&A session (10mn) including the intervention of the African Development Bank
  • Next Steps and Calls-to-Action
    Speaker: Aziz Diallo, President (C3 Sahel)



Turkey and the Great Green Wall
Organiser/sponsor:  Government of Turkey
Speakers: Serdar Yegul, Senior Forest Engineer/UNCCD National Focal Point (General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion, The Ministry of Environment,Urbanization and Climate Change) - Gökhan Ervan, Forestry Expert (General Directorate of Forestry, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)

The presentation is about Turkey's contribution to the African continent about capacity building, sustainable land management and landscape restoration actions on the ground. It will also touch on global (Ankara initiative) and regional partnerships (FAO Turkey Forestry Partnership) being implemented together with UNCCD and FAO. Moreover, more importantly, the results of the BRIDGES Project, operational in the Great Green Wall Region, being implemented by Turkey and FAO,  will be shared with participants.


Selected photos

All photos by: IISD/ENB | Matthew TenBruggencate